It goes without saying that when it comes to handbag brands, Hermès is not only one of the most sought after brands in the luxury handbag market, but it is also one of the most elusive. Hiding behind its hard-to-get, stuffy exterior lies a little orange world of prestige and luxury. It’s a world that many handbag lovers dream of being part of, from the very minute they began loving luxury bags. However, being able to break into the magical world of Birkins and Kellys oh, my is not easy, and it often requires hours of research and lots of money spent before such an acquisition can be made.
Of course, it comes as no surprise that celebs are some of the big H’s biggest supporters, and we’ve taken a look at some of the celebs who’ve adored Hermès before, but today we thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of the bags that our favorite luxury bag collectors love to tote around that aren’t Birkins or Kellys. After all, when you’re a celeb and can get your hands on the best of the best but chose a less obvious H pick, you must really be a fan of that bag.
Below we’re checking back in with some out our favorite H bags celebs carried in the past. Mikä on suosikkisi?
The Celebs
Ashley Olsen
Hermès Constance
Katie Holmes
Hermès Picotin
Alanis Morissette
Hermès Evelyne
Julia Roberts
Hermès Picotin
Jordana Brewster
Hermès garden party
Diane Kruger
Hermès Constance
Bethenny Frankel
Hermès Evelyne
Mariska Hargitay
Hermès Bolide
Kelly Rutherford
Hermès Evelyne
Rachel Bilson
Hermès Constance
Nicky Hilton
Hermès Constance
Reese Witherspoon
Hermès garden party
Alessandra Ambrosio
Hermès Evelyne
Angela Simmons
Hermès Constance